Terrace Hill Holiday Teas
Terrace Hill will host their annual holiday teas on Monday, December 9th at 10:30 am and 2:30 pm.
Guests will enjoy tea services and hors d'oeuvres in the historic rooms of Terrace Hill while adorned for the holidays!
Check out the event registration page linked down below:
SOLD OUT 10:30 AM: https://terracehillholidaytea1030.eventbrite.com/
2:30 PM: https://terracehillholidaytea230.eventbrite.com/

Date and Time
Monday Dec 9, 2024
10:30 AM - 3:30 PM CST
Terrace Hill
2300 Grand Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50312
Tickets are $50 per individual.
Tickets going on sale on October 14th!