Des Moines Community Playhouse
TheatersArts, theatre, music, danceEntertainment-Music
Box office is open M-F 12-3, two hours before performances
Driving Directions:
42nd Street Exit off of 235
About Us
For more than 100 years, we have been where people of all backgrounds come together to create and enjoy theatre experiences. Nothing compares to live theatre for touching hearts and minds. Whether showy or serious, comedic or dramatic, the Playhouse brings the wow factor and we do it live in everything we do. We foster a fun environment where intimate, moving stories connect and entertain in a way that can transform us all - on-stage and off. From education to entertainment, performance to administration, we are grateful to be involved in the Greater Des Moines community.

Rep/Contact Info

David Kilpatrick
Executive Director
- Phone: (515) 974-5353
- Send an Email
- 831 42nd St Des Moines IA 50312-2613